Title: The Little Mermaid
YL=1.4-1.6 words=1600
There was the Sea King's castle in deeper and deeper place. It was the perfect place. The king had six daughters. The king promised that when daughters reach fifteen, they rise above the waves and see. The little mermaid was looking forward to be fifteen. She was interested in many things, so her garden has a statue of smiling boy.
Finally, the little mermaid's birthday arrived. As soon as the celebrations were over, she set off for the surface. She saw a ship and swam closer and people dancing on deck.A handsome young man appeared.
Suddenly, the weather turned stormy and people fall overboard. She found the prince and pulled him to a sheltered core and let the wave wash him a shore. A pretty girl came and helped him and walked away.
The little mermaid backed her home. She couldn't forget him.
One day, the sea castle looked splendid. The way was lighting from garden to the holl. The little mermaid pretended to join in, but she couldn't do. She thought that the sea witch can help her, so she went to the sea witch's cave. The witch knew what the little mermaid wanted to meet the prince. And the witch demanded her to give her voice instead of human legs.
At last, she changed her voice and human legs. However, she couldn't talk and back home. If the prince doesn't return her love, she will dissolve into the ocean waves.
In the morning, the little mermaid met the prince but she couldn't speak and he invited her for breakfast.
The little mermaid spent the whole day with the prince. She was happy.
But he said that he's going to set sail and marry the woman who helped him.
The little mermaid shook her head.
Next morning, she disappeared into the welcoming waves.
This story is sad. I know another story. It is that the little mermaid will be happy and marry the prince. But this story was different. I think that it is good such sad story.305
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